Week 6: Portfolio Reviews

 Parker Anne Pool- I really liked that she showed her process and the way she laid out her projects were all consistent It started with the process and later she showed many mockup examples of the designs on different things. Her process had backgrounds of notebooks and what you would see on a desk which made it more relatable and made you picture what she was doing and really created a good atmosphere in her mockups.

Chi Hao Chang- I liked that he added a lot of context to the designs by including photography to show us his research and how those elements impacted his decisions. I also liked that he provided various mockups in his portfolio other than just the digital design because he incorporated them into the real world.

Dustin Hughes- I liked that he explained the background of his clients because it connects us more to their goals and not just the designs. I like that he narrowed his presentation down for time's sake, but also included the important details, which still supported his portfolio presentation
