
Week 7+: Gever Tulley

 Gever Tulley is the founder of Tinkering school, in which he teaches kids to experience hands-on learning in order to problem solve and expand their creativity. I think this is a very successful organization because it is teaching kids to be safe with tools and also finds new ways to solve problems, which can influence a new generation to become designers.

Week 7: Shilpi Chhotray

Shilpi's job as director of communications is like that of an art director because they have to focus on marketing materials and create campaigns for their events which she uses illustrations, and that can be a form of design because she is making it engaging for the viewers. Designers are important to these teams because they help execute successful methods of grasping attention to serious subjects and by working together with communication departments, they will be able to get that message through effectively. Some organization that has designers working for them is apple and microsoft, which are technology firms. This is something I would be interested in because they focus on improving people of different career fields and creatives with their technology. 

Week 6: Portfolio Reviews

 Parker Anne Pool - I really liked that she showed her process and the way she laid out her projects were all consistent It started with the process and later she showed many mockup examples of the designs on different things. Her process had backgrounds of notebooks and what you would see on a desk which made it more relatable and made you picture what she was doing and really created a good atmosphere in her mockups. Chi Hao Chang - I liked that he added a lot of context to the designs by including photography to show us his research and how those elements impacted his decisions. I also liked that he provided various mockups in his portfolio other than just the digital design because he incorporated them into the real world. Dustin Hughes - I liked that he explained the background of his clients because it connects us more to their goals and not just the designs. I like that he narrowed his presentation down for time's sake, but also included the important details, which still su

Week 5: The Food Change

What I took away from Anne Hamersky's interview is that it is helpful to get into the lives of people with your photography because that way you'll really connect with your audience. A photographer being a driving factor in the design process is actually something beneficial in my opinion because you're creating more of a story through the images and that way more people can relate to the designs they see. What I like about Super Natural Design is that they incorporated a lot of photography in their designs because it creates more emotion in the designs, which makes them more interesting to look at. 

Week 4: Ira Glass

Ira Glass' message is to always keep working and turning in work and set yourself your own deadlines. He said it doesn't have to be good as a beginner, it just has to be something you love making. The more you work on it, the better is gonna get. Personally, I agree with this because there is a lot of work I have that I think could be better and sometimes I get stuck on wanting to make it better that I find it hard to move on to something new.  I think for me, an art hero is Tatiana Bilbao. She has an architecture studio based in Mexico. Her work is made to allow reconstruction or crisis scenarios but I really like the fact that her work includes a lot of nature and her design process contains a lot of collages and sketches. I think this is very inspiring because I would like to consider nature in my designs and work on things that are beneficial for the environment instead of harmful and she has found a way to consider that in her work.

Week 3: First Impressions

I think what works with these websites is how the user can interact with them. For example, Julie Campbell's website has the side eye emoji when you hover over the images, which is a fun thing to see and compels you to look over more things. Shantell Martin's website is very interactive and you have fun watching the doodles move wherever your cursor hovers. Annika Izora's website is very interesting as well because of the animations that help transition the subject as you scroll throughout her website. These all create a good first impression because it increases your interest and makes it something unique that you haven't seen that often. I think the first impression I want to create with my work is also something fun and refreshing. Something that isn't boring or dull and will have you wanting more.

Week 2: Antionette Carroll

I think this was successful because they are bringing together a more diverse community to include more inclusivity. This is helpful because it gives everyone a voice and that increases representation. I really liked the phrase "creators are more than our craft" because there is more to designers and more meaning to it than just the design. For example, our values and our stories take part in it too. To me, being a re-designer means breaking out of the box of what everyone says designers should be. I think this means connecting more with the community and bringing more awareness instead of doing just the basics. It means always growing and learning to be better.